Sarasota is either a big town or a small city, depending I guess on how you define the terms, but it certainly isn't a metropolis. Which, of course, is one of the things we like about it. Something else we like about it is its impressive architectural heritage, one...
Is Adaptability More Important Than Art in Architecture?
There are all sorts of debates about architecture. Should houses in a neighborhood all look similar to give the area a sense of cohesion? Is a diversity of styles more desirable? Is the architecture of the past best? Should architecture be more concerned with the future instead? Is architecture about art? Functionality? A building’s relationship to its surrounding environment? Its climate? All of the above?
Sarasota residents love to engage in hearty debates about our fair town/city, and issues surrounding architecture and development are always hot button. Our own neighborhood, Laurel Park, has seen sweeping changes over the past several decades, and is constantly working to find the right balance of development and preservation, of urbanism and village life, of past and future.