New Police HQ Honors Environment, Local Architecture, and Heroes of 9/11

If you live in Laurel Park, chances are good you’ve seen downtown Sarasota’s new police headquarters being built between Ringling Boulevard and the north end of Payne Park. What could have been another monstrosity inspired by strip malls has fortunately turned into something quite special. The architectural firm in charge of the project incorporated both elements of the celebrated Sarasota School of Architecture and enough green features to seek LEED certification. To top it off, final negotiations are underway to install a 40-foot remnant from floors 90-92 of the World Trade Center—a fitting tribute to and stark reminder of the dangers policemen and women can encounter.

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Sarasota’s Roadmap to Sustainability

With words like “green” and “sustainability” being thrown around so much these days, we at Laurel Park Management thought it might be good to take a look at what Sarasota is actually doing to become increasingly “green” and “sustainable.” The following is from the official Sarasota County government website:

Sarasota County acknowledges that sustainability is an interlocking network comprised of everything a community touches. Its Roadmap to Sustainability holistically integrates environmental, societal and economic initiatives, fundamentally shifting the role that governance can play in building a sustainable community and transforming its identity. County Administrator Jim Ley presented his Roadmap to Sustainability to the County Commission on Oct. 22, 2006, as an overview of Sarasota County’s direction.

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End our Dependency on Fossil Fuels & Show Solidarity for our Neighbors and Wildlife Along the Gulf

We are expecting nearly 200 people at tonight’s vigil. I know we can mobilize to make this the largest BP Gulf Disaster vigil in Florida. If you have not already rsvp’d, please go to the link below and register. Please forward this to your friends & network. I am getting feedback that this is a “button pusher” for a lot of folks. Everyone wants to do something, but knowing the best thing to do is hard right now. THIS is going to be a GIANT step in the right direction. Please come out and show your support.

The vigil will be held on Tuesday, June 8 at 7 pm

City Island, Ken Thompson Parkway, Sarasota

To RSVP, go to

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