To Be Cool or Not To Be Cool: Is That Really The Question?

{photo source} There's nothing like times of economic hardship to stir up discussion about a city's future. Should we revive industry? What kind of industry? Attract the creative class? What exactly does the creative class do? Or is tourism and retirement a safer bet?...

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Sustainable Sarasota: What is an “Urban Village” anyway?

[ted id=1037] We like to call Laurel Park Sarasota's urban village. But what do we mean by that? Isn't "urban village" an oxymoron? Not necessarily. At Laurel Park Management, we see "urban" as a condition of density and diversity, basically a place where a variety of...

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The Question(s) of Locally Grown

photo source It isn't difficult to get behind the local food movement. Who can argue with cutting big agriculture out of the picture, reducing the cost and carbon footprint of transportation, or keeping more money in the local economy? Who doesn't like their food...

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