Pedaling to Prosperity

Pedaling to Prosperity

One of the truly encouraging trends we've seen the past few years is the gradual uptick in urban cycling around Sarasota. Many new bicycle parking racks have been installed and people are slowly catching on to the fact that the bike may just be the best way to get...

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The Smart Math of Mixed-Use

The Smart Math of Mixed-Use

Great article about the economics of mixed-use development, something we're always pushing here at Laurel Park Management. Mixed-use helps makes places walkable and livable. It helps make them better, more beautiful, and more vibrant. So, naturally, it provides an...

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Sustainable Sarasota: Fill ‘er up with Gator Gas?

As the quest for more viable renewable and alternative energy sources continues, some of the options suggested seem brilliant while others remain firmly in the world of the bizarre. Take, for instance, a biofuel mentioned in a recent article on

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Critics’ Choices: America’s Best Public Spaces

Okay, so—in a follow up to our last post—here are some critics' choices for the US of A's best public spaces. The article quoted is from Planetizen, a wonderful clearinghouse-style site of urban-themed articles. Do you agree with the critics? Disagree? Any nominees...

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Sustainable Sarasota: Sell a Car, Buy a Bike (part two)

A couple weeks ago I posted about merits of replacing a second car (or even a first car) with a bicycle. Bicycles are big right now in the worlds of urban planning and placemaking, for many good reasons. As mentioned before: bikes are affordable, they don't add to...

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Sustainable Sarasota: Going Green by Going Back to Basics

{image source} We at Laurel Park Management aren't out to save the world. We know that task is a little tall for a rental management company. Like most of you, we're trying to do our jobs well and support our families. But that doesn't mean we can't be conscious of...

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What to do in SRQ

 {image source} You mean, besides the Arts & Crafts fest downtown, the triathlon on Siesta Key, or just good old-fashioned beachgoing? 🙂 Well, yes. We thought we'd let you know about two great offerings on tap in and around Sarasota over the next couple days—one...

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Could Solar Energy Be An Economic Driver For Sarasota Schools?

{photo source} Saw this article in the Herald-Tribune by Christopher O'Donnell and thought we'd pass it along. It is an interesting notion...what if Sarasota used what it has in greatest abundance—sunshine—as currency to pay for local needs? Could be a way to use the...

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Featured Property: Silva Court Studios

Looking for a place to live near downtown Sarasota? Afraid your budget will force you to choose between the charm of a historic building and being able to walk to Main Street? Why not have it all? Laurel Park Management rents a variety of unique affordable...

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New Year’s Resolutions to Improve Your Neighborhood

{photo source} There's a Greek proverb that says, "A city grows great when men plant trees under whose shade they will never sit." The idea, of course, is that for future generations to thrive present generations must be proactive. If done right, change in cities...

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