SRQ’s New Creative HuB

photo source Instead of blabbing on about The HuB, "a warehouse space on Boulevard of the Arts in Sarasota that has become a combination new-media incubator and gathering spot for hip people," we thought we'd excerpt a recent Herald-Tribune article detailing the young...

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Follow-up: Keeping Payne Park Skate Park Open

photo source Found this article from the Pelican Press on Dan Giguere, who we mentioned in the last post, and the future of the Payne Park Skate Park. We at Laurel Park Management think that Payne Park as a whole and the Skate Park in particular have been...

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Slow Sarasota?

Today is Cittaslow Sunday, the First International Day of Good Slow Living. How are you planning to celebrate?

Cittaslow, or Slow City, is an organization that celebrates and promotes a human-speed, human-scale alternative to unchecked speed and limitless growth. A couple decades ago some folks in Italy decided they didn’t want fast food chains in their towns, so they created the Slow Food movement to celebrate the culture, tradition, and joy of growing, harvesting, cooking, and sharing local food. Slow Food spread to Slow City, and Cittaslow International now counts more than 130 towns worldwide as part of its network. Sonoma, California, became the first Slow City in the United States in 2009.

So, what is a Slow City? and why should I care?

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Gillespie Park: Downtown Sarasota’s Other Great Neighborhood

This blog focuses on the Laurel Park neighborhood—we are Laurel Park Management, after all—but more than a little attention should also be paid to our neighbor to the north, Gillespie Park. Gillespie is a funky, diverse, and affordable historic neighborhood featuring many beautiful old Florida homes. LPM has several rental properties in this often overlooked area.

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Discovery Days Preschool is Accepting Applications!

If you live in Sarasota and have preschool age children, you might want to look into Discovery Days Preschool. Admittedly, we at Laurel Park Management are biased—Discovery Days is owned and run by LPM owner and operator Devin Rutkowski’s wife, Marian—but Discovery Days really does offer a little piece of heaven for the little ones (and more than a little peace of mind for the big ones). If you don’t believe us, go check it out for yourself!

Located in downtown Sarasota’s historic Laurel Park neighborhood at 1773 Morrill Street, Discovery Days Preschool offers a quality education in a safe and nurturing environment. Established in 1992, Discovery Days is set in a small, private, 1930s school house. Discovery Days is nationally accredited, and offers limited class sizes led by skilled and caring teachers.

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Selby Library: More than Just Books!

Summer is the slow season here in Southwest Florida. The heat and humidity can make napping on the hammock seem like a full day’s work. But for those not lulled into a heat coma until the snowbirds return Selby Library and its sister branches have plenty of activities lined up. On today’s schedule:

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The Dark Side is Laurel Park’s Gaming Paradise

Sure, Laurel Park is a historic neighborhood known for its restored Arts & Crafts and Florida Cracker cottages and its proximity to Main Street and downtown Sarasota—not to mention Burns Square and the Sarasota Bayfront. And sure, as the epicenter of Florida’s cultural coast Sarasota is well known for its fine arts. But did you know that Laurel Park also boasts one of the best comics and gaming shops you’ll ever find? The Dark Side, located at 408 S. Washington Boulevard (in a small plaza alongside a yoga studio and barber shop, among several others) is both a comic book shop and the home of Sarasota’s biggest gaming community.

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Dr. Gary Reinhardt: Laurel Park’s Very Own Doctor Doolittle

“Our dog hates going to the vet, always has,” says Laurel Park resident Josh Grigsby. “But sometimes when we’re out for a walk she’ll insist on going to see Dr. Gary.” Dr. Gary Reinhardt of Vet Center Sarasota isn’t your run of the mill veterinarian. I swear he can speak dog, cat, bird, ferret, whatever. A multilingual pet whisperer and healer rolled into one. And for 25 years, Sarasota’s pet population has been the beneficiary.

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