‘Tis the Season

The holidays they are approachin', so we at Laurel Park Management thought we'd pass along info on this weekend's appropriately themed events and to-do options in case the spirit moves you. Enjoy! Atomic Holiday Bazaar: December 10-11 Atomic Holiday Bazaar, Sarasota's...

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New Year’s Resolutions to Improve Your Neighborhood

{photo source} There's a Greek proverb that says, "A city grows great when men plant trees under whose shade they will never sit." The idea, of course, is that for future generations to thrive present generations must be proactive. If done right, change in cities...

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Things We Take For Granted and Probably Shouldn’t: Selby Botanical Gardens

Walking through the numerous themed gardens at Selby is like taking a trip through the looking glass into nature’s wonderland. We live in a fertile part of the world…Selby Gardens provides an opportunity to leave our hectic lives behind for an hour or two and let our senses reconnect with thousands of varieties of local flora.

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