“I Love Downtown Sarasota” is Looking for You

by | Feb 19, 2010 | Bike from Laurel Park, Culture, Downtown Sarasota, Meet Your Neighbors, Walk from Laurel Park

Do you love Downtown Sarasota? You’re not alone. Started by local residents Rich Swier and Matt Orr, “I Love Downtown Sarasota” is a grass-roots movement to bring together Sarasotans of all stripes in a continuing effort to make Downtown Sarasota as great as it can possibly be. According the website:

We all love downtown Sarasota. But sometimes we need to be reminded of why we love our city so much. Our goal is to remind locals of the small wonders that brought us here to live in the first place. We want people to shop, dine and play downtown every day. The “I Love Downtown” initiative will leverage the strengths of each and every merchant and bring us together as a community to make this next season the best yet.

The “I Love Downtown Sarasota” website features a weekly list of things to do, places to eat, and places to shop that support local businesses. An increasing number of store windows are adorned with the group’s sticker, and its facebook page already has over 5000 fans.

visit ilovedowntownsrq.com